October 10


Simple Autumn Green Smoothie Recipe

Simple Autumn Green Smoothie -Blackberry, Kale, tangerine, apple, pear

The blackberries are on its last leg in the garden and I’m making a few last smoothies with fresh ones. Then we can move onto the frozen batches. Till then this simple autumn green smoothie will have you cherish autumn in no time! Each ingredient’s flavour comes  through and you’ll feel energised enough to jump up and down on your favourite playlist. 



Makes 2


2 handfuls kale

150g blackberries 

1/2 apple

1/2 pear

2 tangerines

1 small banana

1 slice ginger 

1/4 lemon 

1/2 teaspoon matcha green tea powder* optional

water half way through 



Add everything to your blender and fill with water half way through the ingredients. Blend for 60 seconds. 

Try use one frozen ingredient or a few ice cubes to prevent the smoothie from overheating during the blend. Pour into a jar and decorate with seeds. 




Denisa xxo


Simple Autumn Green Smoothie -Blackberry, Kale, tangerine, apple, pear

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