We’ve made it through the 1st week of January. Can you feel the fresh new energy this year started with? I have a feeling this one will be big! We had a beautiful goddess circle last night and I’ll tell you, there’s something in the air. 2019 is a year of rising energies and positive change.
And since January is all about change, I wanted to write this share my thoughts on detoxing, cleansing, juicing during the winter months.
For anyone doing a cleanse this January in the Northen Hemisphere🗺 (which I wouldn’t recommend just yet unless it’s really needed), drink your juices room temperature, have warm soups, teas, nutmilks and spices that help you heat up your body.
Why? In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the best time to do an internal “spring clean” are, you guessed it, spring! and autumn. In spring you join nature in freshening up by having more warmth, daylight, fresh herbs and greens sprouting up everywhere and genuinely feeling like you’re done hibernating.
Whereas winter is just for that: “hibernating” and slowing the pace. The foods we’re eating are richer, so it takes longer for your body to deal with them, as well as with colder and shorter days. This all expends more energy, which in turn slows down the pace of our organism. So keep the cleanse for springtime and enjoy the comforts of warming foods.
I see a lot of people struggling with this, especially if they have a tendency to be cold in general, as juices are cooling and will make it difficult to keep warm, which in turn make them miserable and not enjoying the process.
Instead, try these to keep balanced and harmonious:
1. Drinking plenty of slightly warm water to help you keep both you and your digestive system warm and prevent damp in the body. Herbal teas are also handy, including freshly sliced ginger, cinnamon bark, , anise seed, cloves – reach out in your spice cupboard for them – they all make a lovely brew (but avoid cooling herbs like peppermint).
2. Sweat, baby sweat! Now, it’s your choice how you sweat ;), but make it a regular thing – it’s good for your whole being and with skin being the largest detoxing organ in your body, let it all out.
3. Keep it nourishing, on plants and warm: soups, stew, curries, roasted or steamed veg and warming salads are your best friends. I have lots of easy, comforting recipes on the blog, in the dinner section of Cooking from Your Heart or in The Healthy Living Community.
Hope this is helpful!
Share it with that friend that’s always cold and remember to sip your warm water.
Much love,