We're more advanced, more stable, more well-off than we have ever been as a human race, yet we're more lonely, more disconnected from ourselves and nature than we've ever been.
We rarely spend time within ourselves without distractions, without reasons to do so, without comparison - so when the going gets tough it's really easy to fall into a trap of self-loathing and judging.
We've forgotten our souls, our hearts and we're caught up in a constant DO, DO DO all the time, when it's rather time to BE more and blend it with the Do-ing.
I believe the answer to that is self-love. Call it awareness, call it mindfulness, being kind to yourself, speaking to yourself as if you would to your lover.
Self love is Devotion to a a higher purpose.
Self-love is also discipline, consistency, avoiding instant gratification at the expense of your development as a human being and soul, doing the things that are not that easy for an outcome that will help you grow and reap the benefits later.
For me, self-love is breathing, being aware of my feelings and emotions, knowing my boundaries and not compromising, and in other situations compromising rather than wanting to be right.
My self-love is my connection to Spirit, my constant and never-ending improvement of self, through thick and thin, my dedication to Denisa Maria and helping her become the best version of herself as a woman, partner, teacher, friend, healer, daughter, sister, human being.
Then, I ask you now, what does self-love mean to you? Do you have it in your life? Do you want to have it? Do you practice it? What's the most loving thing, action, a choice you can do for yourself today? Now, reading this on your phone.
We only ever have the present moment.
Everything else is a projection of either our love or fear, onto events that happened or possibilities that might occur. Choose love. Choose light. Choose kindness. For yourself and others.
With much love and gratitude,
Denisa xoxo