Let's wrap up 2023 soulfully
As the holidays approach, it can be easy to fall into a spiral of self-judgment and trying to meet expectations of how to act and show up, while navigating what's left of this intense year.
You may be tired, overwhelmed by emotions and ready to wrap it up or you may want to continue the peace you found throughout it.
Imagine liberating yourself from external influences and deeply connecting with your inner self in order to enhance your intuition and cultivate a profound connection with your soul.
If this resonates with you, it's your time to BE!
Throughout December, each day until Christmas, you will be taken on a journey through the power of guided meditations that will help free you from limiting beliefs and self judgement that hold you back from living with more love in your life and a deeper connection to yourself.
Focused on releasing, forgiving and transforming self-doubt and fear into confidence and trust in yourself, you will receive a daily journal prompt into your inbox to help you step away from the ideas about what you should do and be, and shine your bright Light in connecting to yourself and your soul.
Let's wrap up 2023 soulfully
As the holidays approach, it can be easy to fall into a spiral of self-judgment and trying to meet expectations of how to act and show up, while navigating what's left of this intense year.
You may be tired, overwhelmed by emotions and ready to wrap it up or you may want to continue the peace you found throughout it.
Imagine liberating yourself from external influences and deeply connecting with your inner self.
If this resonates with you, it's your time to BE!
Throughout December, each day until Christmas, you will be taken on a journey through the power of guided meditations that will help free you from limiting beliefs and self judgement that hold you back from living with more love in your life and a deeper connection to yourself.
Focused on releasing, forgiving and transforming self-doubt and fear into confidence and trust in yourself, you will receive a daily journal prompt into your inbox to help you step away from the ideas about what you should do and be, and shine your bright Light in connecting to yourself and your soul.
Ended the yesterday with the first meditation and started the day with the second. How beautiful, I can feel my heart truly opening this morning. With love & thanks.
Thanks for this amazing opportunity and experience. Just finished my meditation now and I feel so relaxed and well!
Thank you Denisa, a beautiful meditation that left me feeling calm and more focused.

Denisa MaRiA, an ordained Magdalene Rose High Priestess, Coach, and Healer, seamlessly melds a decade of expertise in coaching and healing with profound spiritual and emotional wisdom, guiding women on a journey toward Self-Knowledge and Creating powerfully in their lives.
Also an author, artist, and traveler, she crafts a holistic journey for those she works with through ritual, ceremony, coaching and healing, establishing a safe and nurturing space that encourages deep self-awareness through her gentle yet bold approach.
With unwavering commitment, she assists women in reclaiming their power and rewriting their stories to create meaningfully in all areas of their lives.
Copyright 2013-2023 Denisa Ratulea